2020 - A Year of Adversity, Adaptation and Learning

culture insights

The strange year behind us has finally reached its end, so it’s a great time to look back at what we have accomplished, but above all learned during 2020. The year has been full of uncertainty and adversity for the entire world, but it is often hard times that offer the biggest lessons and opportunities for growth.


Our company’s core values which are shared by all our employees are the foundation of our success, and this year has made us recognize and appreciate some of them even more.





It has always been our top priority to take care of our employees with the same dedication with which we take care of our clients. This year has been a reminder of the importance of our physical as well as mental health and wellbeing, so we have done all we can to make sure our employees feel happy and appreciated, even while working from home. A healthy work atmosphere is of the utmost importance because happy and healthy employees equal happy and satisfied clients.  We are proud that we have received confirmation that we are doing a good job because we have been selected among the Top 10 People First Companies in 2020 by Heartcount, an app that tracks employee satisfaction in companies. We know that our employees are the backbone of our organization, which is why we will always keep striving to make sure they have everything they need, even in challenging times such as those that 2020 has brought us.





Although the pandemic has forced us all to isolate and work from home during most of the year, it has actually made us appreciate the value and power of our community even more. As they say, you don’t really know the true value of something until it’s gone. Even though we could only see each other through our computer screens for extended periods of time, we never let go of our sense of teamwork and support for one another in carrying out all our tasks. We checked up on each other frequently and made sure that everyone was doing well and remained in high spirits.





This year’s circumstances have also taught us the power of solidarity, not only when it comes to work, but in our private lives as well. The entire world has been put before a test when it comes to solidarity, because we truly are all in this together. There are many changes to our everyday lives that we all had to accept to overcome this pandemic, because it takes a certain amount of compassion to care not only for our own health, but for the health and wellbeing of others as well. 





This year has also taught us how important it is to set priorities. We have adjusted and learned to find focus in even the most difficult of circumstances. We have adapted to a whole new mode of communication while working from home, and we have managed to maintain an equally high level of productivity and efficiency that we have when we are all together in our office. Drawing from this experience and planning for the future, we have even set up a special focus room in our new office where our employees can find solitude to cut out all distractions and work in peace.





We have organized several group internships this year that offered an opportunity for young talent to hone their skills as developers, and even become part of our team. Although we value teamwork and having each other’s backs in everything we do, we also teach our interns to be independent and self-reliant. It is important to have the confidence to tackle all problems head-on, at work as well as in life.





This is a big one for us because we always strive to improve ourselves and grow, both as individuals as well as a company. And we can proudly say that we have accomplished all our plans that we made in our New Year's resolutions for 2020. With our client base constantly expanding over the past few years, our team has been growing steadily as well, so it had started to get a bit crowded in our old office. With everyone spending more time working from home this year, it finally gave us an opportunity to move our company into a brand new office! Not only that, but we are also building our brand new company website which will be up and running in the very near future. 



Despite all the ups and downs that 2020 has brought us all, we have managed to find the silver lining and make the best of the given situation. It is darker times that offer us all a chance to shine the brightest, so we hope we can also serve as a good example for others to find their strength to pull through.


We hope 2021 will be kinder to us all and bring us better health and brighter days.


Happy New Year from everyone at Bee IT! Zoran

blog author

Zoran Tovarloža


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