Creating a Breakout Custom Attribute Editor in Page Designer for Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Salesforce commerce cloud
  "id": "customCarEditor",
    "name": "Custom Car Editor",
    "type": "custom",
    "required": true,
    "editor_definition": {
        "type": "com.sfcc.customCarEditorTrigger",
        "configuration": {
            "options": {
                "config": [
    "name": "Car Custom Editor",
    "description": "Custom editor with car picker breakout functionality!",
    "resources": {
        "scripts": [
        "styles": [     "",
          'use strict';

var HashMap = require('dw/util/HashMap');
var Resource = require('dw/web/Resource');
var PageMgr = require('dw/experience/PageMgr');

module.exports.init = function (editor) {
    // Default values properties
    var defaults = {
        buttonBreakout: 'Select',
        titleBreakout: 'Cars',
        placeholder: 'Select your custom car',
        description: 'Description of Custom Car Editor',
        group1: 'car group1 configuration'

    // Add some localizations
    var localization = Object.keys(defaults).reduce(function (acc, key) {
        acc.put(key, Resource.msg(key, '', defaults[key]));
        return acc;
    }, new HashMap());
    editor.configuration.put('localization', localization);

    // Pass through property `options.config` from the `attribute_definition` to be used in a breakout editor
    var options = new HashMap();
    options.put('config', editor.configuration.options.config);

    // Create a configuration for a custom editor to be displayed in a modal breakout dialog (breakout editor)
    var breakoutEditorConfig = new HashMap();
    breakoutEditorConfig.put('localization', localization);
    breakoutEditorConfig.put('options', options);

    // Add a dependency to the configured breakout editor
    var breakoutEditor = PageMgr.getCustomEditor('com.sfcc.customCarEditorBreakout', breakoutEditorConfig);
    editor.dependencies.put('customCarEditorBreakoutScript', breakoutEditor);
    "name": "Custom Car Editor Breakout",
    "description": "An car editor with breakout functionality",
    "resources": {
        "scripts": [
          'use strict';
var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');

module.exports.init = function (editor) {
    var optionsConfig = editor.configuration.options.config;
    var optionsInit = [

    // Init editor configuration
    editor.configuration.options.put('init', optionsInit);

    // Provide `baseUrl` to the static assets/content
    editor.configuration.put('baseUrl', URLUtils.staticURL('/experience/editors/com/sfcc/').https().toString());
          // Code in the client-side JavaScript file for the trigger editor
(() => {
    subscribe('sfcc:ready', () => {

        var template = "<div><p>Open car picker editor</p> <button  id='breakout-trigger'>Open Car Picker</button></div>";
        var openButtonEl = $('#breakout-trigger');
        openButtonEl.on('click', handleBreakoutOpen);

    function handleBreakoutOpen() {
            type: 'sfcc:breakout',
            payload: {
                id: 'customCarEditorBreakoutScript',
                title: 'The title to be displayed in the modal'
        }, handleBreakoutClose);

    function handleBreakoutClose({ type, value }) {
        // Now the "value" can be passed back to Page Designer
        if (type === 'sfcc:breakoutApply') {
        } else {

    function handleBreakoutCancel() {
        // left empty in case you want to do more customization on this event

    function handleBreakoutApply(value) {
        // Emit value update to Page Designer host application
            type: 'sfcc:value',
            payload: value
          // Code in the client-side JavaScript file for the breakout editor
(() => {
    subscribe('sfcc:ready', () => {
        // Once the breakout editor is ready, the custom code is able to select or
        // Create a value. Any meaningful change to a value/selection needs to be
        // reflected back into the host container via a `sfcc:value` event.
        const template = document.createElement('template');
        template.innerHTML = "<div><p>Yugo</p><p>Mercedes</p><p>BMW</p><p>Seat</p></div>";
        const clone = document.importNode(template.content, true);
        const openButtonEl = document.querySelector('p');
        openButtonEl.addEventListener('click', handleSelect);

    function handleSelect({ target }) {
        // The value changed and the breakout editor's host is informed about the
        // value update via a `sfcc:value` event.
        const selectedValue = target.innerText;
            type: 'sfcc:value',
            payload: selectedValue ? { value: selectedValue } : null
blog author

Srđan Đukić

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Developer